The story follows The Beatles as they become passive recipients of an outside plot that revolves around Ringo's possession of a sacrificial ring, which he cannot remove from his finger. As a result, he and his bandmates John, Paul and George are chased from London to the Austrian Alps and the Bahamas by religious cult members, a mad scientist and the London police. In addition to starring the Beatles, 'Help!' has a witty script, a great cast of British character actors and features 7 classic Beatles tracks.
2nd place Golden Laurel Musical - Musical Performance: Paul McCartney, John Lennon, George Harrison, Ringo Starr, Laurel Awards, 1966; nominated: Grammy Best Original Score Written for a Motion Picture or Television Show, Grammy Awards, 1966; BAFTA Film Award Best British Cinematography - David Watkin, Best British Costume - Julie Harris, BAFTA Awards, 1966