The Return


Genre: Drama
Country: Serbia
Year: 2017
Duration: 90 min

Director: Predrag Jakšić
Scenario: Predrag Jakšić

Cast: Lazar Rockwood, Nick Mancuso, Dubravka Mijatović

Programme selection: National Class

Schedule on the Cinema City festival:
Sunday, Sep 3, 2017 @ 17:00 - Beogradska Indoor Cinema


Movie The Return is a kind of a psychological study, told through a thriller genre, about a repatriate who after 40 years returns to his home town where he has no family left. Following him, his friends from the USA are trying to take him back, and a small village in Vojvodina is starting to feel alive like never before. Felling guilty for leaving behind and failing the people who brought him up, and not being able to protect his new family in the USA, protagonist torn by the suspicion, unable to perceive objectively the events surrounding him, believing more in the surreal than evident answers, all the while not knowing whether coming back home means returning to his home town or by leaving it and going back to place where his spent his whole life – in a foreign land.


Predrag Jaksic graduated at Dramaturgy Department, Faculty of Dramatic Arts in Belgrade, Serbia. He finished his Master studies at the same department in 2013. He is currently working on his PhD thesis in Theory of Culture and Media, at the Faculty of Dramatic Arts. He directed two short films, Above the Mud (2011) and A Poet (2013). “The Return” is his first feature fi lm. He writes poetry, plays, short stories. He has also published essays on fi lm and fi lm creators within Yugoslav Kinoteka Program. He is married with Milica Jaksic. He lives in Stara Pazova, Serbia.