The Most Important Boy in the World

Najvažniji dečko na svetu

Genre: Documentary, comedy
Country: Serbia
Year: 2016
Duration: 75 min

Director: Tea Lukač
Scenario: /

Cast: Boris Mitrović, Mara Mitrović, Slobodan Mitrovič, Snežana Vukašinović, Sofija Vukašinović, Ana Kurtaj, Dajana Stanišić, Jovana Ramić, Mila Ljubisavljević, Sara Botić, Zorana Mikić, Marija Tomić

Programme selection: National Class

Schedule on the Cinema City festival:
Friday, Sep 1, 2017 @ 23:15 - Beogradska Indoor Cinema


Boris Mitrović is the biggest Justin Bieber fan in the Balkans. Inspired by his idol, and armed with his manager, a Lamborghini and a fan base on Facebook, Boris is trying to make his show-business dreams come true. While some fans dream about the day they will meet their idol, other fans dream about the day when they will become someone’s idol. The film explores the distance between these dreams of love and success and the everyday lives of the fans.


Tea Lukač directed live action short films of NOW TV, commercials, music videos and documentaries screened at a number of local and international festivals. She earned a master’s degree from the Faculty of Dramatic Arts in Belgrade. ‘Najvažniji dečko na svetu’ is her first feature documentary.