Our Fathers, Mothers and Their Children

Naši očevi, majke i njihova djeca

Genre: Drama
Country: Serbia
Year: 2017
Duration: 76 min

Director: Sanja Savić
Scenario: Sanja Savić

Cast: Marija Šuković, Nikola Zelenović, Ljubo Božović, Lenka Ljevak, Vedran Trifković, Vladimir Zelenov

Programme selection: National Class

Schedule on the Cinema City festival:
Saturday, Sep 2, 2017 @ 17:00 - Beogradska Indoor Cinema


Nadija, a twenty-year old hairdresser, meets Njegoš, a member of the car-stealing ring, is visiting her aunt Spasa, a bar owner. This short encounter prompts Nadija to think about her family situation, leaving her with a desire to change her life. An additional burden is Nadija’s father, a policeman who divorced her mother who lives in Germany. Nadija and Njegoš, belonging to different ethnicities in Bosnia, try to make their love possible, but it seem that all odds are against them. 


Sanja Savić was born in 1988 in Sarajevo. She graduated from the Faculty of Dramatic Arts in Belgrade with a bachelor and master’s degree. She has published two short-story books Kad žirafa progovori and Vrijeme vašara, and the novel Neoštrine. She is currently a doctoral student at the Faculty of Dramatic Arts. She deals with animation and experimental theater forms. "Naši očevi, majke i njihova djeca" is her first feature film.