13/06/2014 10:54

Invitation to Cinema City Industry

This year’s edition of the festival will for the first time realize a new part of its programme, called Cinema City Industry. The CC Industry is a two-day series of conferences dedicated to the development and advancement of domestic cinema, and presentation of Serbia as a location for international film production.

The “National Class” conference is planned for June 25. It will include:

11:00h, the Gallery of Matica Srpska (garden), Novi Sad;

Panel discussion on the diversity of domestic film production, with emphasis on various contents and genres in domestic cinema, as well as different types of film funding and production.

The discussion will be led by authors and professionals from the country and the region. The aim of this panel discussion is to:

-     analyse the diversity of contents in domestic film production (e.g. children’s film, genre film);

-     provide an overview of different types of domestic film production (current and potential)

15:00h, the Gallery of Matica Srpska (garden), Novi Sad;

Panel discussion on joining the MEDIA sub-programme of Creative Europe. The aim of this panel discussion is to inform domestic experts and the public in general on plans and issues related to joining the MEDIA. We have invited Dag Asbjørnsen, representative of the Creative Europe, in charge of the MEDIA sub-programme as a special guest of this panel discussion.

We hereby invite all our film producers, directors and screenwriters to participate in accordance with their areas of interest, and thus contribute to these topics.

We expect these events to be attended by a significant number of representatives of domestic cinema, Film Center Serbia, Ministry of Culture and Information, and national media representatives.

Please RSVP by sending an e-mail to [email protected].

Soon we will announce details on these panel discussions and the names of the participants.