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Creativ(EU) Summer School
Cinema City Festival
FeeLMS for Creativity
Little School of Creativity
Cinema City@Street Musicians Festival
Danube Festivals Network
Fresh Danube Films
Filming Serbian Danube
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About Us
Circus builds Trust
Creativity as a vocation
Gradic fest
Creativ(EU) Summer School
Cinema City Festival
FeeLMS for Creativity
Little School of Creativity
Cinema City@Street Musicians Festival
Danube Festivals Network
Fresh Danube Films
Filming Serbian Danube
Film it LouD
Cinema Contact
Cinema City 2008.
Film list A-Z
Film title
24 Hour Party People
/ 24 Hour Party People
Planet Rock
Drama / Comedy, UK, 2002.
68 Degrees and Clear (We Could Talk About the Weather)
/ 68 Degrees and Clear (We Could Talk About the Weather)
Up to 10.000 Bucks
Fiction, USA, 2007.
A dnes nakade
/ Which Way Today
Balkan Buster
Drama, Bulgaria, 2007.
A Scanner Darkly
/ A Scanner Darkly
Animation / Crime, USA, 2006.
A Via Láctea
/ The Milky Way
Drama, Brasil, 2007.
Achi-wa ssipak
/ Aachi and Ssipak
Animation, South Korea, 2006.
/ Dreams
Democracy / Export-Import
Drama, Iraq, 2005.
Año uña
/ Year of the Nail
Drama / Romance, Mexico, 2007.
/ Appleseed
Animation, Japan, 2004.
Arctic Tale
/ Arctic Tale
The Cool Kids
Documentary, USA, 2007.
Avaze gonjeshk-ha
/ The Song of Sparrows
Exit Point
Drama / Comedy, Iran, 2008.
Awesome; I Fuckin' Shot That!
/ Awesome; I Fuckin' Shot That!
Planet Rock
Documentary, USA, 2006.
Baba Yaga
/ Baba Yaga
Up to 10.000 Bucks
Animation, Germany, 2008.
Bad Habit, Little Rabbit
/ Bad Habit, Little Rabbit
Up to 10.000 Bucks
Animation, Germany, 2008.
Bad Voodoo's War
/ Bad Voodoo's War
Democracy / Export-Import
Documentary, USA, 2008.
Baisers volés
/ Stolen Kisses
Peđa's Film Collection
Drama / Romance, France, 1968.
Bakha Satang
/ Peppermint Candy
Chang-Dong Lee
Drama, South Korea / Japan, 1999.
/ Ballast
Exit Point
Drama, USA, 2008.
Bambi Plus
/ Bambi Plus
Up to 10.000 Bucks
Documentary, Serbia, 2006.
Bas si glupa, glupa!
/ You're so Stupid, Stupid!
Up to 10.000 Bucks
Experimental, Croatia, 2006.
Biro za izgubljene stvari
/ Lost and Found
National Class
Drama, Serbia, 2008.
/ Proximity
Up to 10.000 Bucks
Experimental, Serbia, 2008.
Brief Encounter
/ Brief Encounter
Peđa's Film Collection
Romance / Drama, UK, 1945.
Budjenje pacova
/ The Rats Woke Up
Živojin Pavlović
Drama, Yugoslavia, 1967.
Carlston za Ognjenku
/ Charleston and Vendetta
National Class
Comedy / Adventure, Serbia, 2008.
Cetvrti covek
/ The Fourth Man
National Class
Thriller, Serbia, 2007.
Chorok mulkogi
/ Green Fish
Chang-Dong Lee
Drama, South Korea, 1997.
Citulja za Eskobara
/ Obituary for Escobar
National Class
Comedy / Crime, Serbia, 2008.
/ Control
Planet Rock
Drama, UK, 2007.
Crveno klasje
/ Red Wheat
Živojin Pavlović
Drama, Yugoslavia, 1970.
CSNY Deja Vu
/ CSNY Deja Vu
Planet Rock
Documentary, USA, 2007.
/ Dead
Up to 10.000 Bucks
Fiction, Switzerland, 2007.
Death Proof
/ Death Proof
The Best of Horror
Horror / Action, USA, 2007.
Die Blechtrommel
/ The Tin Drum
Peđa's Film Collection
Drama, West Germany, 1979.
/ Divizionz
Exit Point
Drama, Uganda, 2008.
/ Snare Drum
Up to 10.000 Bucks
Fiction, Serbia, 2008.
Dobrodosli u Igrane
/ Welcome to Igrane
Up to 10.000 Bucks
Documentary, Croatia, 2007.
Dr. Strangelove or: How I Learned to Stop Worrying and Love the Bomb
/ Dr. Strangelove or: How I Learned to Stop Worrying and Love the Bomb
Peđa's Film Collection
Comedy, UK, 1964.
Duboko u sumi
/ Deep in the Woods
The Cool Kids
Family, Republic of Srpska, 2006.
El Asaltante
/ The Mugger
Drama / Thriller, Argentina, 2007.
El Benny
/ El Benny
Respect to Cuba
Drama, Cuba, 2006.
El bufalo de la noche
/ The Night Buffalo
Exit Point
Drama, Mexico, 2007.
/ Encarnación
Drama, Argentina, 2007.
Estrellita - Pesem za domov
/ Estrellita
Balkan Buster
Drama, Slovenia, 2007.
Exhibit A
/ Exhibit A
Homage to a Jury Member
Thriller, UK, 2007.
Filth and Wisdom
/ Filth and Wisdom
Planet Rock
Comedy / Drama, UK, 2008.
Fuera de Liga
/ Out of This League
Respect to Cuba
Documentary, Cuba, 2004.
Giulietta degli spiriti
/ Juliet of the Spirits
Peđa's Film Collection
Comedy / Drama, Italy / France, 1965.
/ Glastonbury
Planet Rock
Documentary, USA / UK, 2006.
Gott und die welt
/ In the Name of God
Up to 10.000 Bucks
Animation, Germany, 2008.
I'm Not There.
/ I'm Not There.
Planet Rock
Drama, UK / Germany, 2007.
/ Play
Up to 10.000 Bucks
Fiction, Serbia, 2008.
/ Illusion
Up to 10.000 Bucks
Fiction, Germany, 2007.
Jas sum od Titov Veles
/ I Am from Titov Veles
Balkan Buster
Drama, Republic of Macedonia, 2007.
Jôi-uchi: Hairyô tsuma shimatsu
/ Samurai Rebellion
Peđa's Film Collection
Drama, Japan, 1967.
Joy Division
/ Joy Division
Planet Rock
Documentary, UK / USA, 2007.
Kad budem mrtav i beo
/ When I Am Dead and Gone
Živojin Pavlović
Drama, Yugoslavia, 1967.
/ Kagemusha
Peđa's Film Collection
Drama, Japan, 1980.
Ko se zadnji smeje...
/ He Who Laughs Last...
Up to 10.000 Bucks
Animation, Serbia, 2006.
Kunsten å tenke negativt
/ The Art of Negative Thinking
Exit Point
Comedy / Drama, Norway, 2007.
/ Ghost Stories
The Best of Horror
Horror, Japan, 1964.
/ L'Atalante
Peđa's Film Collection
Drama / Romance, France, 1934.
La citadelle assiégée
/ The Besieged Fortress
The Cool Kids
Documentary, France / Canada, 2006.
La Noche de los Inocentes
/ Night of the Innocents
Respect to Cuba
Comedy / Drama, Cuba, 2007.
La sangre iluminada
/ Enlightened Blood
Drama / Fantasy, Mexico, 2007.
La voie lactée
/ The Milky Way
Peđa's Film Collection
Comedy / Drama, France / West Germany / Italy, 1969.
Låt den rätte komma in
/ Let the Right One In
Exit Point
Drama / Horror, Sweden, 2008.
Le salaire de la peur
/ The Wages of Fear
Peđa's Film Collection
Action / Drama, France / Italy, 1953.
Les Revenants
/ They Came Back
The Best of Horror
Horror, France, 2004.
Ljubav i drugi zlocini
/ Love and Other Crimes
National Class
Drama, Serbia, 2008.
Lou Reed's Berlin
/ Lou Reed's Berlin
Planet Rock
Documentary, USA / UK, 2007.
Mao Ce Dun
/ Mao Tse Tung
Balkan Buster
Drama, Albania, 2007.
Milos Brankovic
/ Who the Fuck Is Milos Brankovic?
National Class
Thriller, Serbia, 2007.
/ Secret Sunshine
Chang-Dong Lee
Comedy / Romance, South Korea, 2007.
Moj drug Srbija
/ Joe Goes to Serbia
Up to 10.000 Bucks
Documentary, Serbia, 2007.
/ Fly
Up to 10.000 Bucks
Documentary, Serbia, 2007.
/ Mutum
Drama, Brasil, 2007.
Na lepom plavom Dunavu
/ On the Beautiful Blue Danube
National Class
Drama, Serbia, 2007.
/ Nothing More
Respect to Cuba
Comedy, Cuba, 2001.
Nichego lichnogo
/ Nothing Personal
Exit Point
Drama, Russia, 2007.
Night Shift
/ Night Shift
Up to 10.000 Bucks
Fiction, New Zealand, 2007.
Nije kraj
/ Will Not End Here
Balkan Buster
Drama, Croatia / Serbia, 2008.
Nosferatu, eine Symphonie des Grauens
/ Nosferatu, a Symphony of Horror
The Best of Horror
Horror, Germany, 1922.
O pojavama i postojanjima No. 2
/ On Phenomena and Existences No. 2
Up to 10.000 Bucks
Experimental, Croatia, 2008.
Oh ah shisoo
/ Oasis
Chang-Dong Lee
Drama / Romance, South Korea, 2002.
/ P.V.C.-1
Exit Point
Drama / Thriller, Colombia, 2007.
Páginas del diario de Mauricio
/ Mauricio's Diary
Respect to Cuba
Drama, Cuba, 2006.
Part of the Weekend Never Dies
/ Part of the Weekend Never Dies
Planet Rock
Documentary, Uk / Belgium, 2008.
Patti Smith: Dream of Life
/ Patti Smith: Dream of Life
Planet Rock
Documentary, USA, 2008.
Perro Come Perro
/ Dog Eat Dog
Thriller, Colombia, 2008.
/ Persepolis
Animation, France / USA, 2007.
Planet Terror
/ Planet Terror
The Best of Horror
Horror / Action, USA, 2007.
Poslednje labudovo jezero
/ The Last Swan Lake
Up to 10.000 Bucks
Fiction, Serbia, 2006.
/ Possessed
Up to 10.000 Bucks
Documentary, UK, 2007.
/ The Return
Živojin Pavlović
Drama, Yugoslavia, 1966.
PRC: Penzionerski rekreativni centar
/ PRC: Recreational Centre for Retired
Up to 10.000 Bucks
Documentary, Serbia, 2007.
Princ od papira
/ The Paper Prince
National Class
Drama, Serbia, 2005.
Profondo rosso
/ Deep Red
The Best of Horror
Horror, Italy, 1975.
Puzzle of Sad Stringer
/ Puzzle of Sad Stringer
Up to 10.000 Bucks
Documentary, Russia, 2007.
Rakugaki Iromachi
/ Red-Light District Graffiti
Up to 10.000 Bucks
Experimental, Japan, 2007.
/ Renaissance
Animation / Action, France / UK / Luxembourg, 2006.
Rennschwein Rudi Rüssel 2 - Rudi rennt wieder!
/ Rudy: The Return of the Racing Pig
The Cool Kids
Family, Germany, 2007.
San Ernesto nació en La Higuera
/ San Ernesto nació en La Higuera
Respect to Cuba
Documentary, Cuba, 2007.
Santa Is Here
/ Santa Is Here
Up to 10.000 Bucks
Documentary, Cambodia, 2006.
Shahida: Brides of Allah
/ Shahida: Brides of Allah
Exit Point
Documentary, Israel, 2008.
Shanghai Trance
/ Shanghai Trance
Exit Point
Drama, Netherlands, 2008.
Siete mesas de billar francés
/ Seven Billiard Tables
Exit Point
Drama, Spain, 2007.
Sita Sings the Blues
/ Sita Sings the Blues
Animation, USA, 2008.
Space Cosmos & Universe
/ Space Cosmos & Universe
Up to 10.000 Bucks
Experimental, Serbia, 2007.
Sretno dijete
/ A Happy Child
Planet Rock
Documentary, Croatia, 2003.
Suite Habana
/ Havana Suite
Respect to Cuba
Documentary, Cuba, 2003.
Sunset Blvd.
/ Sunset Blvd.
Peđa's Film Collection
Drama / Noir, USA, 1950.
Tesko je biti fin
/ It's Hard to Be Nice
Balkan Buster
Black Comedy, Bosnia-Herzegovina, 2007.
The Amazing Truth About Queen Raquela
/ The Amazing Truth About Queen Raquela
Exit Point
Drama, Iceland, 2008.
The Animatrix
/ The Animatrix
Animation, USA, 2003.
The Birds
/ The Birds
Peđa's Film Collection
Horror, USA, 1963.
The Circus
/ The Circus
Peđa's Film Collection
Comedy, USA, 1928.
The Filth and the Fury
/ The Filth and the Fury
Planet Rock
Documentary, UK / USA, 2000.
The War Tapes
/ The War Tapes
Democracy / Export-Import
Documentary, USA, 2006.
Ti meni, ja tebi!
/ You Scratch My Back, I'll Scratch Yours!
Up to 10.000 Bucks
Documentary, Croatia, 2007.
Touch of Evil
/ Touch of Evil
Peđa's Film Collection
Drama, USA, 1958.
Tres veces dos
/ Three Times Two
Respect to Cuba
Drama, Cuba, 2004.
Uspavanka za dečaka
/ Lullaby for a Boy
Up to 10.000 Bucks
Fiction, Serbia, 2007.
Video de Familia
/ Family Video
Respect to Cuba
Drama, Cuba, 2001.
/ Vital
The Best of Horror
Horror, Japan, 2004.
Viva Cuba
/ Viva Cuba
Respect to Cuba
Comedy / Drama, Cuba, 2005.
Zadah tela
/ Body Scent
Živojin Pavlović
Drama, Yugoslavia, 1983.
/ The Ambush
Živojin Pavlović
Drama, Yugoslavia, 1969.
Zivi i mrtvi
/ The Living and the Dead
Balkan Buster
War, Croatia, 2007.
Zlatne caklje
/ The Golden Nunshacas
Up to 10.000 Bucks
Experimental, Montenegro, 2007.
/ Zohar
Up to 10.000 Bucks
Fiction, Israel, 2007.
Archive 2008
Cinema City 2008
Programme selections
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Exit Point
National Class
Up to 10.000 Bucks
Balkan Buster
Planet Rock
Peđa's Film Collection
Chang-Dong Lee
Živojin Pavlović
Respect to Cuba
The Best of Horror
The Cool Kids
Democracy / Export-Import
Homage to a Jury Member
Cinema City