12/01/2017 15:37

Cinema City in the Erasmus + programme

Youth, creativity and employment opportunities are the topics which will be the focus of the Association Cinema City in the coming period! Relying on the extensive experience of organizing festivals, exhibitions, concerts and other cultural events that mobilized a large number of professionals and the public, we want to share our experiences to help young people discover the exciting world of creative industries.

Empowering young people and the potentials of creative industries are the backbone of the international project "FeeLMS for Creativity", one of the 17 approved projects under the capacity building component of the Erasmus + Programme of the European Union. In the next two years,  Association Cinema City, together with partners from Italy - Sineglossa, Croatia - Association Domino, Hungary - Pro Progressione and Serbia - Kulturanova facilitate the exchange of experiences and improve the skills of youth workers.

The aim of the project is to encourage young people across Europe to explore many possibilities which are offered by creative industries in the field of employment, mobility and creative work. Through a series of meetings, creative workshops and the use of specially designed platform for e-learning, young people from four countries will have the opportunity to meet, learn and acquire new skills necessary for organizing events; explore innovations in audience development; use interesting digital applications and realize their own creative ideas.

More information about the project soon!