Archive Cinema City 2009.


In the competitive part of Cinema City Film & Media festival, specialized jury is going to give awards in several categories. The jury of the competition program of the international and domestic feature film gives awards for the following categories:


- Grand prix

- Best directing

- Best acting

- Special mention for the artistic achievement


- Grand prix - The best domestic film

- Best directing, domestic film

- Best screenplay, domestic film

- Best editing, domestic film

- Best photography, domestic film

- Best actor in a leading role, domestic film

- Best actress in a leading role, domestic film

III Up to 10,000 Bucks

- Best film

- The second award

- The third award

Jury members of the EXIT POINT competition selection of the Cinema City Film And Media Festival,

1. Tuncel Kurtiz, Chairman of the Jury

2. Martin Blaney

3. Labina Mitevska

4. Ivan Fila

5. Ellis Driessen

held the Final session after careful consideration of all films in main competition program and unanimously decided to award the following films:

1) The Grand Prix in the EXIT POINT INTERNATIONAL CLASS competition selection– IBIS statuette and prize in the amount of 10.000 $ goes to film Tony Manero, directed by Pablo Larrain.

Commentary: The Grand Prix goes to an amazing, deep and complex story of a murderous obsession mirroring the political situation in a country suffering under a brutal dictatorship in the late 1970s. Co-screenwriter and main actor Alfredo Castro gives a compelling performance which remains etched in the memory long after our prize-winner, Pablo Larrain’s Tony Manero, has ended.

2) Award for Best directing in the EXIT POINT INTERNATIONAL CLASS competition selection– IBIS statuette and prize in the amount of 2.000 $ goes to Alexei Uchitel for the film Captive.

Commentary: The prize for Best Director goes to a film which concentrates more on inner personal struggles rather than the political and ideological elements of the military conflict, in this case in Chechnya. With accomplished cinematography by Yuri Klimenko and a hypnotic central performance by lead actor Vyacheslav Krikunov, this film is a damning statement on the cruelty of war set against the harsh grandeur of the mountainous locations. We therefore award the Prize for Best Direction to Alexei Uchitel for Captive.

3) The Best acting in the EXIT POINT INTERNATIONAL CLASS competition selection– IBIS statuette and prize in the amount of 2.000 $ goes to two actresses – Betty Quizmolli for her role in film Katia’s sister and to Leora Barbara for her role in film Stella.

Commentary: The Prize for Best Actor goes ex aequo to two young actresses at the beginning of promising careers.

We wish to salute a debutant who plays the perfect passive „observer“, who only introduces herself as „Katia’s sister“. It is not until the last scene of the film that we learn her name, Lucia – as played by Betty Qizmolli in Mijke de Jong’s Katia’s Sister.

This prize is shared with another first-time actress who adeptly portrays her struggle to reconcile her new academic world in a prestigious Parisian school with life in her parents’s working class bar - to Leora Barbara as the title figure of Stella in Sylvie Verheyde’s film by the same name.

4) `Special Mention for the Atistic Achievement `– a Plaque for a film from EXIT POINT INTERNATIONAL CLASS competition selection goes to Ziya Mirza Mohamad and Haron Ahad for the roles in a film Two Legged Horse, directed by Samira Makhmalbaf.

Commentary: A Special Mention for an Artistic Achievement goes to the moving and naturalistic performances in a story of victimization between a severely disabled boy who humiliates and abuses the impoversished boy hired to carry him around on his back. The Special Mention goes to Ziya Mirza Mohamad as the „two-legged horse“ and to his master played by Haron Ahad in Samira Makhmalbaf’s harrowing and uncompromising Two-Legged Horse.


Jury members of the film selections NATIONAL CLASS and UP TO 10.000 BUCKS of the Cinema City Film and Media Festival,

1. Pjer Žalica, The chairman of the jury

2. Iliana Kitanova

3. Srđan Koljević

4. Ludovic Chavarot

5. Padraic Delaney

held the Final session after careful consideration of all films in NATIONAL CLASS and UP TO 10.000 BUCKS competition programs and unanimously decided to award the following films:


1) GRAND PRIX , IBIS statuette and prize in the amount of 10.000 $ for the Best Film in the ’National Class’ competition program goes to the film „ORDINARY PEOPLE“ directed by Vladimir Perisic

Commentary: For it’s compelling , moving and thought provoking film making.

2) Best Directing Award – IBIS statutete and prize in the amount of 3.000 $ in the ’National Class’ competition program goes to director of film „ST.GEORGE SHOOTS THE DRAGON“, Srdjan Dragojevic.

Commentary: For the masterful handling of an epic war story in a microcosm.

3) The Best Sreenplay Award – IBIS statuette and prize in the amount of 2.000,00 $ in the ’National Class’ competition program goes to screenwriter of the film „WAIT FOR ME AND I WILL NOT COME“, Miroslav Momcilovic

Commentary: A mosaic of storylines, skillfully depicting the despair and the euphoria of being in love.

4) Award for Best Actor in a leading role – IBIS statuette and prize in the amount of 2.000 $ in the ’National Class’ competition program goes to Lazar Ristovski for his role in „ST. GEORGE SHOTS THE DRAGON“.

Commentary: In this film, Lazar Ristovski gave a subtle yet powerful performance.

5) Award for Best Actress in a leading role – IBIS statuette and prize in the amount of 2.000 $ in the ’National Class’ competition program goes to Mirjana Karanovic for her role „HERE AND THERE“.

Commentary: Mirjana Karanovic gave a seemingly effortless portrait of a middle aged woman who dicovers herself again.

6) The Best Editing Award – IBIS statuette and prize in the amount of 2.000 $ in the ’National Class’ competition program goes to editor of the film „ST. GEORGE SHOOTS THE DRAGON“, Petar Markovic.

Commentary: For his substantial contribution in orchestrating a multilayered story.

7) The Best Photography Award – IBIS statuette and prize in the amount of 2.000 $ in the ’National Class’ competition program goes to cinematographer of the film „AUTUMN IN MY STREET“, Aleksandar Ramadanovic.

Commentary: Through his vivid and realistic style, he transports the audience to the hearth of the action.

8) Special Mention – diploma, for the film „Autumn in my Street“ directed by Milos Pusic

Commentary: Because it represents the energy of a New Wave of Serbian film-making

UP TO 10.000 BUCKS:

1) The Best Film Award – IBIS statuette and prize in the amount of 2.000 $ in the ’UP TO 10.000 BUCKS’ competition program goes to the film „ZIVAN PUJIC JIMMY“ directed by Ognjen Glavonic.

Commentary: For the awakening and inspiring positive energy of his film.

2) II prize – non monetary award – under the Jury decision – diploma goes to “RED RABBIT”, directed by Egmont Mayer.

Commentary: Within a few minutes we get a detailed yet simple metaphorical tale.

3) III prize – non monetary award – under the Jury decision – diploma goes to “JOURNEY OF A RED FRIDGE”, directed by Lucian and Natasa Muntean.

Commentary: Not just for beautiful images, but also for a beautiful, touching story.


FIPRESCI SERBIA JURY OF CRITICS at the second International Film and Media Festival Cinema City in Novi Sad, in the assembly: Sandra Perovic (Radio Television Serbia RTS), chairwoman, Vladimir Crnjanski (daily journal DNEVNIK) and Staša Jamušakov (Radio Television Vojvodina RTV)


Award FIPRESCI SERBIA JURY OF CRITICS in the selection National Class to the film Wait for Me and I Will Not Come by screenwriter and director Miroslav Momcilovic, which with all the attributes needed for a wholesome and quality work, represents the model how a new reanimated Serbian film should be made. With sincere and straightforward film expression, and a colourful behavioural spectrum of the gallery of characters, brilliantly portrayed by the acting ensemble, it is not hard to recognise how Momcilovic skilfully treats the topic of love, the topic on which we thought everything has already been said.

Special recognition by FIPRESCI SERBIA JURY OF CRITICS in the selection National Class to the film The Life and Death of a Porno Gang by screenwriter and director Mladen Djordjevic, who bravely moves the boundaries of theme and style in domestic film, in order to justify his coarse expression and wild energy in showing systematically and staggeringly the distorted world we live in, and at the same time, makes an intelligent metaphor about sociopathological consequences of the 1990s in Serbia.

Award FIPRESCI SERBIA JURY OF CRITICS in the selection Exit Point to the film Kabuli Kid by Barmak Akram. As an unforgettable and striking portrait of Kabul's everyday life, this film depicts the spiritual superiority which surpasses the unimaginable horror of the twenty-five-year war in Afghanistan, which left more than fifty thousand orphans living on the streets, and the film is dedicated to them. It is a compassionate and touching story about indestructible love between a mother and her child, told with plenty of optimism and sophisticated humour.

Serbian Branch Fipresci Jury - Ivana Kronja (Novi filmograf, TFT), president, Nenad Dukić (II programme Radio-Belgrade) i Dejan Petrović (III programme Radio-Belgrade) - gives its

AWARD for the Best socially responsible film in main international competition programme Exit Point of Cinema City International Film Festival, Novi Sad 2009 to: ''Courting Condi'' by Sebastian Doggart, USA.

''Courting Condi'' by Sebastian Doggart in a creatively successful way combines fiction, documentary and musical film form to provide a multi-leveled analysis of contemporary American society and personality of former State Secretary in George Bush's administration, Ms Condoleezza Rice.


Special Mention for the Contribution to the Development of Serbian Cinematography Cinema City festival gives to Aleksa Gajić for the film Technotise: Edit and I.

Audience Special Mention for the Best Film goes to Technotise: Edit and I by Aleksa Gajić.