Schedule on the Cinema City festival: Sunday, Sep 3, 2017 @ 20:30 - Nazorova Open Air Cinema
When I was a child I had an idol: my aunt Adriana. In 2007, she was detained and I found out she worked for DINA in heryouth, the secret police of dictator Pinochet. Later,already in democracy, she fled the country while facing ajudicial process for the murder of an important communist leader. Now, my aunt is living a nightmare. In Australia, the Chilean residents request her extradition and marchagainst her. The case has caused a mediauproar. I didn’t realize how I wasinvolved in her terrible past and now I’m part of her raving present. I haveprivileged access to the aggressors of dictatorship and I’mwilling to reach the ultimate consequences to know the truth and to know who my aunt Adriana is really.
Lissette Orozco was born in Santiago de Chile in 1987. Director, screenwriter and Master in Documentary Film. Her debut film "El Pacto de Adriana" (Adriana’s pact) was premiered at the 67th Berlin International Film Festival in the Panoramasection. In addition, the movie in its development stages, haswon Corfo 2012 (Chile), Tribeca Film Institute 2015, Best pitchin DocsDF 2015 (Mexico), among others. She works as afilmmaker on TVN’s (National Televition) reality show "Match".Is assistant director on Joanna Reposi‘s documentaries:“Lemebel" and "Matriz". She has been involved in research forthe TV serie "Vidas en Riesgo" of Chilevisión. Also is aconsultant to the documentary project "El último año" (Schoolfor hearing impaired people). She directed the shortdocumentary films: "Subsuelo", "Vorágine" and "El día Ideal", allawarded in the National Festival of Human Rights in 2014. Sheworked as a teacher at the University UNIACC and DiegoPortales (Chile). Orozco also directedthe reality show "4toMedio" for TVN (National Television) and assisted Tatiana Lorcaon her documentary "La Mudanza”. In addition she is assistantwrote the script of the documentary "Riu" (Easter Islandancestral music) by Paul Berthelón.